Participate in MOBI_360

MOBI_360 is the platform for interaction and knowledge sharing, where interested entities will find the most appropriate way to participate to achieve their business and institutional objectives:

Participate in the congress agenda

  • Be part of the panel of experts at the different conferences and sessions
    Convey your entity’s position and contribution to Urban Air Mobility
    Reach your target audience

Request Information

Participate in the Exhibition / Sponsor the Congress

  • Contact opinion leaders, municipal and government technicians
    Show your solution and innovative development in Urban Air Mobility
    Find collaborations and how to develop your project with the right leads

Request Information

Inscribirse como asistente

  • Learn about the latest regulatory developments for the future of the IAM
  • Get access to the most disruptive technological and urban planning trends
  • Contact the most innovative companies in the exhibition area


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